How anonymous hiring contributes to greater business success

Diversity leads to commercial success

Diverse teams are more innovative, take fewer risks and perform better. This has been shown by numerous investigations and studies, such as the 2017 study by Cedric Herring. The reason for this is the diverse perspectives and backgrounds that lead to new ideas and better risk awareness. Set new impulses!

Cognitive bias leads to talent being overlooked

Prejudices are human. They are built into our brains and help us to structure information - we can hardly prevent them. In recruiting, however, these biases are harmful, so that some people are weeded out too early. Perhaps the ultimate candidate was already there. Broaden your view!

Anonymous hiring increases the chance of diversity

The anonymous application with anonyfy removes the aspects that stir up prejudices in the selector - this invites more people to apply and lowers the hurdle. You receive an external image that explicitly appeals to diverse candidates.

In the end, you have the choice of candidates who are objectively equally qualified but more diverse.

Benefit from our early bird conditions

We go live on Diversity Day in May 2024! Be one of the first companies in DACH to hire anonymously!
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Upgrade employer brand

Do you want to stand out from other companies?

Set yourself apart from the usual, often empty promises and show that you are serious about fairness and the fight against stereotypes - with an innovative, appreciative recruitment process!

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Germany is increasingly becoming an applicant market - SMEs and smaller companies in particular are feeling the effects of the skills shortage. Draw attention to yourself - with a suitable approach, a fair process and respectful treatment from the very first contact.
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shortage of skilled workers

Are there too few applications?


Do you have undiscovered treasures in your own workforce?

Once a person has been hired, his or her past is often completely hidden - only the current job is visible. Other talents and qualifications often remain hidden. An anonymous process can not only make hidden talents visible in internal recruitment, but also encourage people to apply who would not have applied without the protected anonymous framework.
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There are numerous examples of how announcing a fair, anonymous process significantly increases the response rate, especially for diverse candidates. Show from the outset that you value people in their diversity.
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Are the best candidates applying?


AGG, Data Protection and ESG?

Liability risks from the AGG and GDPR are constantly increasing, as are the amount of compensation claims and fines imposed. Prove true compliance with anonyfy and lay the foundations for your ESG reporting for diversity KPIs in recruiting.
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anonyfy Newsletter

Anonymous recruiting is the future - become a pioneer and stay in touch with us. With the anonyfy newsletter you will regularly receive exciting input on the topics of diversity, anonymous recruiting, employer branding and new work. We will also inform you regularly about the development of the platform.