Did you know...

… that just having a foreign name reduces your chances of getting a job interview by 30%?

Koopmans, Veit, Yemane (SP VI 2018-104) - Ethnische Hierarchien in der Bewerberauswahl: Ein Feldexperiment zu den Ursachen von Arbeitsmarktdiskriminierung

… an attractive profile picture lowers your chances of landing a job interview if you're a woman but improves it if you're a man?

Ruffle, Shtudiner (2010): Are Good-Looking People More Employable?

… men and women generally rate the performance of women worse, especially in tasks with male connotations?

Dorrough, Leszczynska, Werner, Schaeffer, Galley, Akin, Bachmann, Bruske, Burghardt, Simandi (2021): Equal Performance, different grade: Women’s performance in discussions perceived worse than men’s)

Prejudice and distortions are human. They happen because the human brain wants to process information as quickly and easily as possible.

The anonymous application with anonyfy ensures fairness and objectivity in the entire interview process.

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