You as a company post cool job ads on anonyfy
You talents apply anonymously
Companies and talents meet for a blind date
This is how recruiting works with anonyfy ...
You as a company post cool job ads on anonyfy
You know who you are looking for, what this person should bring to the table, what they should be like? You also know what you can offer? Great! Then all you have to do is enter or upload all these things in anonyfy. (If you don't know all this yet, we'll be happy to help you find out).
You talents apply anonymously

Register with anonyfy and enter your CV. You can also upload it. anonyfy will anonymize your CV automatically.

Once this is done, you can apply for any job on anonyfy - anonymously and fairly!

We offer you a 2-step process at eye level, bias-free and fair. And whenever talents reveal something about themselves, further information is also shared by the company.

At the same time, the talents' personal data is protected at all times - as long as you talents want it to be!

Companies and talents meet for a Blind Date
Data protection remains in place until a first meeting has taken place - we call it a blind date. Companies can be surprised by the exciting person sitting across from them.

Why are we doing all this?

Because we know that innovative teams are above all those that have as many different perspectives as possible. And various teams are even financially more successful than their direct competitors.

And because we believe in fairness - show the whole world that you do too with anonyfy!

Would you like to stay informed?

Anonymous hiring is the future - join us and rewrite the rules of recruiting! With the anonyfy newsletter, you will regularly receive exciting input on the topics of diversity, anonymous recruiting, employer branding and new work.